
52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf
52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf 52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

The Sikh code of conduct, Rehat Maryada, is based on 52 hukams or edicts issued by Guru Gobind Singh in 1708 at Nanded before Guru Sahib re-joined God. Windows 7 Ripristino Boot Loader Da Cd Di Installazione Program. I say look at them for what they are.ĥ2 Hukams of Guru Gobind Singh. But they are central to the Khalsa aspect of Sikhi, not all Sikhs as a whole (which is why the Rehit themselves are addressed only to Amritdharis) and the 52 hukams are pretty much not authentic IMO considering if they were there would have been no need for Rehits at all. They are good to have historical context though, unfortunately not many Sikhs know about them even though they practice aspects.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

If you really think they are sacred scriptures to hold in that esteem, please throw away your red paghs and shun your Muslim friends (interestingly Bhai Nand Lal earlier in his life praised Muslims but in his Tanakh Nama his mind changed and thus the push to disassociate). They are meant in a specific context and are not spiritual doctrines. It is suited to all times and places as it maintains the distict identity and principles of the Khalsa. Even if the 52 hukamnamas were not from Guru Gobind Singh ji directly, I am inclined to see it as having a lot of merit after my own evaluation of it. The authourity of a rehet isn't determined by who wrote it, but if it falls in line with Sikhi and is relevant to the world at a particular place and time. Rehets are subject to change depending upon the situation, but nowadays you won't find many sikhs properly following any merit.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf